My brain finally let go
Of the perceptions that I own
About why we are here together
Or how we both have grown

I am sure I sense a feeling
From somewhere outside me
Resolute assuredness
I’m where I’m suppose to be

There really are no words
That fully describe the essence
Of how close to God I feel we are
When in each other’s presence

If what I perceive or the words I choose
Make you want to leave
That’s ok, it’s meant to be
My feelings I will not greive

For they are not a joke
Nor selfish in design
They are in complete alignment
With what God has in mind

I hope you can accept
The gift I’m here to give
The love that comes from within
Expressed by how I live


There’s something liberating about being ok with whatever happens.
So what happens now? Awareness ~

© D.E.Foote
