His open arms
Await your embrace
Welcoming you home
To take your place

A narrow road of light
Leads you to this place
Bathing you in the light
Of God’s amazing grace

Feeling the warmth
Surrounded by his love
Your attachment to earth
Fades from above

Things make sense
Like never before
Confusion disappears
As you pass through the door

Surprised by his judgment
You thought you fell short
Yet you see you were wrong
In the eyes of the lord

You performed your role
Unknown to your mind
While walking your road
You helped others find

Their path to God
Could not have been found
If not for the fact
That you were around

Remember if you can
As you ponder your worth
That your value is immeasurable
While you’re here on this earth

A poem inspired by the book “The Narrow Road Of Light” by Marie Currie

© D.E.Foote
