Being here right now
What else need there be
Existing in this world
Of love and energy
This place is quite amazing
Though little do we know
About ourselves and why we’re here
Or how our spirits grow
We feed our need for substance
Ignoring along the way
Something forgotten years ago
Words could never say
The secret to our satisfaction
May be found within ourselves
If only we choose to look beyond
The knowledge found on shelves
Those words are all important
But don’t be led astray
They can only get you so far
Your spirit must find the way
This moment is all we ever have
Though we rarely act that way
It seems as though we always expect
We’ll have another day
Another day to forget
We all share something more
A deep connection beyond mere words
Dwelling at our core
Take a moment just to be
Nothing more than you
Feeling free to open up
To finding out what is true
© D.E.Foote

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