“What is love?”
A poem written by Tom for Rita
Is it a state of temporary insanity?
Is it a question of pheromones?
Is it the poetry of Shelly, Keats or Byron?
Maybe, at least for some
Love is a four letter word, but so is Rita
And for me, Rita is the face of love
She is the sunrise of my life, the sunset that ends my days
The omnipresence that gives meaning to my life
She’s is strong, but not silent, opinionated but not condescending
My Rita is all these things, but that is the beginning
Rita is the love of my live, the mother of my children and the completion of my soul
Tom Wolf
Rita lives on through our memories, so please share your stories, as we commune together in the love, appreciation and blessings she brought to each of our hearts and lives.
On behalf of Tom and his daughters, thank you for sharing your heart as it strengthens us in our loss.
All entries will be kept privately for the time being, but with your permission and as time permits we would like to share the memories that are shared.

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