You tear them down with caustic words
Clipping their wings creating flightless birds
You turn a deaf ear to their struggles and woes
As if you never had to walk their roads
All in the name of discipline and care
You conveniently forget any sense of the word fair
Opening your mouth, puking shame and disgust
Creating fear, distance and lack of trust
In times of need you wonder why
They don’t come to you when they need to cry
Because you withhold their greatest desire
They only see you as fucking liar
Be real with yourself about the cause and effect
That you bring on a child expecting perfect
They need your approval and sense of worth
To grow up feeling they belong on this earth
You wonder why kids these days are so troubled
Suicide, drug use and drinking more than doubled
Look at yourself closely and ask yourself why
Kids don’t choose life instead choose to die
Get over yourself and your need to control
Guiding and loving them is your God given role
Strive to be their safest place on earth
So they’ll never have to question the value of their birth
Commentary: Because I said so is never an adequate answer and children are not good or bad simply because you say so.
© D.E.Foote

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