When someone inspires you
To be the best you can be
It warrants a pause
And look to see
What feelings must be present
To cause this effect
Admiration, value,
Appreciation and respect
This poem is written
From what you inspire
And comes from a place
Of deep desire
To some how show
What I already know
How obvious it is
When you see me glow
I could define it in one word
Then write it down
Say it out loud
And listen to the sound
Taste it in my mouth
Like the sweetest honey
Feel it on my face
Like when it’s nice and sunny
But these words are able
To speak quite clearly
About who we are
And who we hold dearly
Nothing we do
Will ever be wrong
If the music we make
Is writing our song
Sometimes people come into my life that make me see myself in a way that beckons change.
Never expected but always accepted, I learn something from everyone I meet~
© D.E.Foote

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